Monday, October 27, 2014

Hectic Life-Following Your Dreams

I know when I started this blog that I said I was going to try and post at least once a week, and that clearly didn't happen and for that I am so sorry! Since I started my blog, life got in the way. I decided that I was going to go back to school to get my B.A. and decided to go to Colorado State University doing their online program with their global campus. I am so glad that I made that choice to go back to school but I had no idea what I was in for when it came to the amount of work that would have to go into each class. Did I mention that it's also an accelerated program? A typical semester is 16 weeks, but my "semesters" are 8 weeks each. So I end up taking more classes than I would going full time at a regular school. Pairing that with working full-time and trying to find time to spend time with my husband and family has put my YouTube channel and blog on hold for a while. 

I have found plenty of time to sit down and film videos, and in the last 3 or 4 months I have probably filmed at least 6-8 videos, but then I just never find the time to edit them. I have realized that I have felt very overwhelmed with what has been going on with my life with school and work that I need to take time out for myself to do something I love to do, and that is YouTube. Now that I have a 2 week before before my next term starts I am going to try and film and edit as much as I can that way I have videos to upload and then I am going to try to figure out a schedule of days to work on homework and days to film and edit videos that way I am still doing something I love to do. 

I also realized how important it is to follow your dreams and passions and not giving up on your dreams. I don't want to live with the "what ifs" and regrets for not following my dreams. I would rather try and fail than to not try at all. I have realized that I would love to work in the beauty industry or the entertainment industry behind the scenes, so I am doing research to try and figure out a way to do that. I am not sure where it will take us, but I am willing to take the ride to follow my dreams. Hopefully I will find out soon where I will end up. 

Always remember to follow your dreams! :)

Friday, August 15, 2014

It's Been a While

Hey everyone! I know it has been quite some time since the last time I posted on here and I am sorry for those of you that do read this. I am trying to get my priorities in order so that I can try and start writing on here more. I am also trying to be better about uploading on my channel more frequently as well. This post is going to end up being really random so sorry in advance!

I have realized that I am so dang lazy! I am the first to admit it. I work full-time so when I get home from work all I really want to do is just lay on the couch and do nothing, but I realized that is not healthy or productive. I am all for relaxing and doing things for yourself, but I need to be going to the gym and filming and editing more and being lazy way less!

One thing that I have realized and my husband has pointed out many times is that I am addicted to my phone... which sounds horrible, but I am ALWAYS on my phone, checking Instagram, playing games or watching Youtube and I am realizing that I am so disconnected from my life that I need to put my phone down and enjoy life. Obviously I am not going to stop using my phone all together, but I think what i am going to try and do is only be on my phone for the small amount of time in-between when I get home from work and when my husband gets home from work. We will see how this goes but I want to spend more time with my husband and less time just sitting on the couch together while I am on my phone constantly. I am sure he will be pleased! :)  

I am also hoping that by me being on my phone less will give me more motivation to go to the gym and work out. I have definitely changed my eating habits (no soda and not a bunch of junk food and candy) and going to the gym was making me feel so good and accomplished. I was actually seeing results and my clothes were feeling loose, but then I went camping and even though I still ate pretty well my routine of going to the gym was disrupted and I am having a hard time getting the motivation to start going back. Anyone have any suggestions for things they do to get motivated? I have tried downloading apps to my phone for at home workouts, I have gone on Pinterest and tried to find different, simple and quick workout and I will get all motivated while I am at work to work out at home or go to the gym, but by the time I get home from work I want nothing more than to just lay in bed and watch Youtube. 

Has anyone tried any diets that worked for them that does include programs with meals you have to purchase? I am wanting to try something different but I don't want to spend hundreds of dollars on a meal plan or program. 

I think that is all for now!

Thanks for reading!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Sephora Color Anthology Tutorial

Hey everyone! I know it has been a while since the last time I posted and I am sorry about that! I am realizing that going to school, working full-time and doing Youtube is a lot harder than I thought it would be and I had to pick focusing on school over filming and editing, but I am back! School starts again for me tomorrow but I am determined to do better this year with regular uploads. Please let me know if there is something you would like a review on or a tutorial. Thanks so much for those supporting me. It means the world to me! I already have 2 videos filmed that just need to be edited so those will be up soon as well as a tutorial coming featuring the lovely NAKED 3 pallet. I am completely obsessed with it and I have been using it non-stop trying all kinds of different looks. 

On a different note starting the end of March-Beginning of April I am not sure how much I will be able to film and upload due to the fact that David and I will be moving to a different apartment complex so all of our filming stuff will be packed away but once we are in our new place there will be regular uploads. I might try and vlog while we move but we will see. If anyone is interested in a room tour or apartment tour once we move let me know. I could arrange for that to happen. Thanks again for everyone that has been watching my videos and subscribing. Until next week,... 

You you later! :)

Friday, December 13, 2013

Sorry I have been MIA

Hey everyone! Sorry I have been MIA from YouTube for the past couple of months. There has been a lot going on in the last couple of months that I am going to share with you now. First off.... We got a dog!!! 

His name is Oliver and he is the cutest little thing in the world! I love him so much and I am so glad that we were able to rescue him and give him a loving home.  Because he was a rescue, it has taken a little longer to adjust after bringing him home and getting him on a schedule. 

It has been tough adjusting to having to take care of an animal, I can't just snooze my alarm 5 times in the morning if I don't feel like getting up because I have to take Oliver out and feed him before I can start getting ready for work. I know this is nothing new for those of you out there that are parents or have had pets in the past, but for my husband and myself it has been an adjustment. 

On top of getting a dog, I am also in school and had a bunch of stupid group projects on top of other homework that needed to get done, so most of my free time out of work was either spent with my husband and dog, or working on my projects.  Now that the semester is over I have about a month before the next semester starts, so I am hoping I can get a bunch of videos filmed and uploaded. 

I hate the fact that I haven't uploaded in about 2 months and it is driving me crazy! I am going to be taking advantage of the fact that I have some days off from work this month and next month and I will be filming a bunch of stuff on those days. I am also thinking about vlogging for a couple days leading up to Christmas and New Years. I am so excited my brother from Paris is coming to visit for a couple of weeks for Christmas and New Years, so I kinda want to vlog while he is here, but only if we are doing something fun, or else it would be really boring to vlog me going to and from work. 

I do want to say a massive thank you to everyone that has watched my videos, it really does mean to the world to me. 

I started my channel so that I had an outlet for my obsession with makeup but also to meet new people and make new friends with people that have the same passion I do. 

Thank you so much for reading and checking out my channel.

Until next time, 


Friday, September 27, 2013


I am beyond obsessed with e.l.f products and I have been for a while. They had a bunch of new products out for Fall and I just couldn't wait to order them and try them out! I will be filming a look with the products I got and that will be coming soon. Thanks for watching everyone! Until next time..


Monday, September 9, 2013

Filming Schedule

So before, my filming schedule was that I would film on Saturdays and upload by Friday. The only problem is now that I am back in school, so 2 nights out of my week have been taken up with class, so I can't edit on those days. On Mondays I work a 10 hour shift, so by the time I get home from work after an hour commute I honestly just want to spend time with my husband and eat. So I am going to be trying out some different filming schedules to see what is going to work best for me, but also what is best for you guys! I am thinking I might still try and upload on Friday nights, but I might also post videos throughout the weekend since those are my free days. I am no longer restricted to just filming during the day now that I have good film lighting so that will help as well. What days would you guys like to see new videos? Please let me know! Thanks for reading! Until next time..


Sunday, September 8, 2013

Husband Does My Makeup!

So I got brave and decided to let my husband David do my makeup. Things got very interesting and it was very difficult to not tell him what products or brushes to use! I am very OCD about my makeup so it was difficult to let him do everything on his own but I think I did pretty well at not freaking out! Let me know what you got think. The video is below! Hope you guys like it.

Until next time...
